Congress Leaders

According to historians Indian History starts with Dravidian culture, contains the origin of Dravida, Arya, Vedic, Upanishath period. It is also the history of Budha – Jaina religion, Arab – Europen Migration and their invade and also at the end freedom struggle. This the attainment of free India.


India was under various empires, Kingdom and lords. The battle and wars between these forces, lead the life of the common people in a very miserable and pathetic conditions.


In 1498 when Vasco da Gama a Portuguese explorer landed at Kozhikode, Kerala, the invade of Europans started and following to Portuguese, Duch, French and British People reached for trade and business of spices. In the Trade and Business, they fought each other even with modern weapons and established each one of them the business in a big way. Economically they looted the Indian People in business and trades. Most of the empires, kings and lords were in the habit of luxurious lives as the Europans showed the way and taught.


It is very unbelievable today that a private company called East India Company ruled our great nation for a century after the battle of Plassy in Bengal. Due to the atrocity of East India Company, the mutiny of Sipoy in 1857 lead the way for British rule in India. Following the company rule, another centurian British rule for 90 years existed in India that was very inhuman in nature and generation to generation the people were exploited. They treated the people as slaves and buggers. Indians those protested against this sort of attitude brutally suppressed and even executed by British officers.


Under the British rule, all the Government Employees were appointed from Britain and all of them were English People. Even though many Indians had the exemplary education from England itself, they were not considered for any reputed and valuable posts. At this juncture, the well educated 72 personalities assembled in Bombay on 28th December 1885 formed an organisation called Indian National Congress.


The period of Congress can be mainly divided into 3 stages.
• From 1885 to 1915 – 30 years – A petition submitting organisation.
• From 1916 to 1946 – 30 years – A National movement for struggle and agitation.
• From 1947 A Political Party

In the first 30 years the Congress was submitting the petitions and conducting the annual meetings with Tea party.

In the second 30 years from 1916 the Gandhian period started in Congress and entered into struggles and agitations for free India and for better living conditions of the workers and poor. The membership ban for common people in Congress was removed and it opened for all. accepting the advice of Gopala Krishna Gokhale, Gandhiji alone moved and visited throughout India for one year, to understand the living conditions of the common people, and he convinced that the people of this country live like slaves and they are looting and exploiting in all means by British People and their supports. This knowledge helped him to make an action planin his mindfor free India.

In 1917 he entered into Champaran indigo workers issue and the agitation started, and concentrated on workers issues in various sectors and became a pure Trade Union Leader. In 1918 he was forced for the indefinite hunger strike against the ani-labour attitude of the textile mill managements in Ahamadabad and finally succeded. This was the first hunger strike Gandhiji organised in India and was a new experience for the workers and the poor people. The success of the agitation in champaran and industrial sector workers became confident to follow him.

Jallian Wala Bag masscare in 1919 were killed Hundreds of people including women and children and another hundreds were became casualities. When Congress went for continues agitations in the form of Satyagraha, Hunger Strike, Non-co-operation, boycott, law violation, complete independence and finally Quit India Movement the workers and Congress stood behind to Mahatma Gandhi. The workers were the forefrontreal fighters in all these agitations.

Indian people suffered a lot for 30 years through the face of the ruling terrorism of the British Government. Brutal Oppression, imprisonment, threatening, inhuman execution were the day to day events. In this prolonged and greatstruggle 70 million people were participated. Thousands lost their lives and became martyrs and another lakhs became casualties. Many became homeless and also lost their relatives. Gandhiji was jailed for5 ½ yearsduring this period in 7 times. Jawaharlal Nehru from the age of 32 was in jail and was there for 9 years in 10 jails within 21 times. Sardar Vallabhai Patel, J.B. Kripalani and other prominent leaders of the Congress Party also were put in jail for a long period by British ruling. It was an agitation of sacrifice for 30 years by the Congress for the lifelong freedom of the people of India.


At last Britan surrendered before Congress and they declared the freedom. In 1947 while transferring the power the Britan was in the thinking of putting the seeds of communal differences to make division in the people. They poured oil on the flams and Hindu – Muslim riots were taken place. India became Shambles and was divided into two different countries as India and Pakistan. Today some forces attained chances to germinate this poisonous communal seeds. It is in the History that except Congress all other parties and organisations have extended their contributions for the growth of this anti-people communal forces.



In 1946 while election held to the constituent assembly Congress achieved 208 seats out of 296 total seats with a vast majority. Till attaining of free India Congress was the national movement and then declared as a political party on 21st February 1948. There was every opportunity and possible factor to have a single party ruling. But Congress accepted the pure democratic path in the country.
Congress dedicated a strong and meaningful well accepted constitution to the people of the Nation protecting the interest of workers and the poor based on democracy, secularism and socialism and also protecting the human freedom in all means, and also established the independent judiciary and election system.


From 1947 in free India, Congress ruled for 56 years out of seventy. Congress formed an economic policy based on Fabian socialism under the mixed economy and established the Public Sectors and it were strengthened in all possible ways. Nearly 33 basic labour laws were enacted during this period to protect the interest of the workers.


Established the planning commission through the 5 year plan for a systamatic planned development. Full support extended to the activities of science and technology. The efficiency and upliftment in health and education sector strengthened. Right to education, right to information, right to food security and right to job through Mahatma Gandhi employment guarantee scheme for the eradication of starvation and such many numberless activities have dedicated by Congress in the country with a clear plan, vision and action.The country witnessed to the annual budget of 21 lakh crores in 2017 in the place of just 197 crores in 1947.


India and Nehru was in front for the formation of International non-alignment forum with 120 countries. India faced 3 major wars between India – China and India – Pakistan in the period of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. The present narrow minded and ambitioned new rulers enjoying with all developed facilities cannot understand or accept this sort of activities and sacrifices of the Congress.

Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahalal Nehru, Sardar Vallbhai Patel and other Congress Leaders interacted with workers and poor in the language of starvation, food, cloth, shelter, health, education and inclusive development. They acquired the entire energy for the freedom struggle through the workers and the poor people. The above forefathers had entered into freedom struggle not expecting the immediate freedom or with an intention and expectation to become the father of the nation, President, Prime Minister, Ministers, MPs or MLAs. It was the dedication of each one life for the freedom of India and for the upliftment of the poor and sufferers.

The Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, Chairman of the Constituent Assembly and the first President of the NationDr Rajendra Prasad, the Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and other senior ministers were real trade union leaders. Most of the State Legislative Assembly Members, the State Ministers also were from Trade Union Leaders. In the Congress Party Leaderships also from top to bottom, AICC to Ward Level the Trade Union Leaders and workers were considered and recognised.

No Government can exist or remove without taking the confidence of workers and the poor. The Congress should adopt the policy for entrusting INTUC with full confidence as an institution for organising and campaign among the labour and the poor. At the work place, workers have no caste, religion, creed, colour and they are having only their family day to day life.

The world economic situation has been totally changed. The gap between rich and poor has been raised without any control. Millionaires became billionaires and trillionaires but the workers and poor became poor and poorest and sidelining just like slaves. Indian economic situation is very miserable and crucial than any other nation because, we are the second in population and first in the density of population. Here a strong economic revamping is very essential. It is expected the Congress party will move forward based on the policy of Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Indiraji taking into full confidence with INTUC, as Soniaji said at the Kollam Rally in 2014, as Sri. Rahulji opinioned in INTUC Plenary session held in Delhi on 4thDecember 2015 and as Sri. A.K. Antony expressed on 30th August 2017 at Trivandrum inaugurating the centenary celebrations of Champaran agitation organised by INTUC.

Within a short period of Hundred and thirty-two years, the Congress created and dedicated a new era in India fitting to the history of World and in the five thousand years of the Indian History. In this era when Gandhi became a worshipping personality in the world, it became the recognition for the policy and ideology of the Congress Party.
Gandhiji and Congress dedicated the policy and principles of non-violence, peace and sacrifices before the world. Only because of this, even though many eminent historian personalities were in the world the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi the2nd October chosend for the International Peace Day by United Nations. The only one statue erected at the UN Head Quarters belongs to Mahatma Gandhi, and when itsee and hear, it will lead each and every citizen of this country into a self-respecting movement. Here now a days somebody try to built the temple for the assassinator of Mahatma Gandhi and defame him calling as beniya. Trying to commercialisethe area of Rajghat, were he is in rest and peace, compare Gandhian principles with wastes, and shouting the slogan of Gandhi Muktha Bharat. Why……..? for what…….? for whom…..? What wrong he did for us…….? we should think……………….. .
Destined groups to receive the curse. This is the only word we can use against them.